Our CEO, Vera Wilson, penned these thoughts in 2023:
"My heart and the heart of the initial team is truly that the building be used to glorify God. We desire that the building be abuzz with children and adults alike finding community and learning together. Learning within a construct of truth. A place of singing in the hallways, sharing our new found knowledge with our neighbors, sharing our honed skills with students of all ages, all within a construct of truth. A place of fun and gathering for the neighboring community and the home school community at large.
To be really honest there are times I think this project is too big. And truthfully it is too big for me. And then I have to remember it is not mine to hold alone. There have been sleepless nights and unanswered questions, and each time I am forced to remember that God certainly has opened doors again and again. His timeline has been at breakneck speed, a pace this master procrastinator is not too familiar with, and frankly not that fond of. Our prayer all along has been at the end of this we can only say– “We have this building because God made it happen.” Each time we would leave a meeting with our heads spinning full of new information, stand in the parking lot in a dumbfounded awe and say “only God”. Because we knew full well that having that meeting with that person, in that timing and with that outcome could only be God. Then we would pray for God to reveal what our next step should be, because we truly did not know.
This week has been a rough one for me, the journey feels long and big. (Perhaps that is too much to share.) This week I had to go back and remember how we have made it to this point so far. Certainly this was not a project I was looking for, and I could certainly tell you all the reasons I am not qualified to hold this project. But God. I truly desire to one day walk the halls and hear Biblical teaching through all subjects to all ages, all the days of the week. And that I know is so much bigger than me.
We allow no separation to grow up between the intellectual and spiritual life of children, but teach them that the Divine Spirit has constant access to their spirits, and is their continual Helper in all the interest, duties and joys of life. Charlotte Mason"
This project has been an incredible journey, and while we always believe it is for the ultimate benefit of the children whose voices we will soon hear echoing in the halls of Old Colonial, He is working on us as well. Sometimes that's difficult!
Would you like to be part of something so big that no one can claim credit for more than a small piece, a painted wall or a repaired toilet? Would you like to see the Lord work miracles in the huge and the mundane? We need humble hearts to join! Contact us!